Posts tagged Facebook
#031 Facebook Settings Every User Should Know About

On Facebook activity, location sharing, transcripts, and data being tracked when you're off Facebook, the list goes on and on. It's time to review and update these Facebook settings to help you get the most out of the platform without giving up all of your data. Kelsey Martin shares some of Facebook's creepiest settings and how you can shut them off to save yourself from frustration down the road.

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#018 When Is It Okay To Ban Someone From Your Page?

Social media tends to get a bad wrap for being the hotbed of trolling and that anonymous courage from customers or former employees who are willing to say ANYTHING in reviews, comments, or posts to trash organizations. In this episode, Beth Trejo, CEO, and Kelsey Martin, COO, talk about when it is okay to ban someone from your page, delete comments, hide comments, and other monitoring actions.

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#013 What Contests Are Allowed On Facebook And Instagram?

Contests can be an awesome way to engage your audience, but they also can ultimately backfire on your brand with vague rules and a terrible experience for your audience. In this episode, Beth Trejo, CEO, Kelsey Martin, COO, and Bri Gorman, Ad Strategist, talk about how to run a successful social media contest that does not break the rules. 

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